Angling Club Meran

Bahnhofstrasse 2
39020 - Partschins (BZ), Italy
VAT.Nr.: 82008190215
Tel: +39 0471 123456

Copyright notice

The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is updated regularly. There can be no guarantee that the information provided on this website is complete, correct or current. The Fishing Club Meran accepts no responsibility for the content of third-party comments or the content of third-party websites which are accessible via links from the website. The provider of the respective website is liable for the contents of the linked pages. All contributions you find on this homepage are protected by copyright. All available information on the website is provided without guarantee of accuracy. In no event will liability be accepted for damages, this also applies to all websites that are referred to by means of a link. In no event will liability be accepted for damages, this also applies to all websites referred to by means of a link.

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Kreatif GmbH - "Web for Business"
Webdesign & Programmierung
J.-Kravogl-Straße 14
I-39100 Bozen Südtirol, Italien

Pflichtinformation nach EU-Verordnung Nr. 524/2013 des Europäischen Parlaments und Rats Plattform zur Online-Beilegung verbraucherrechtlicher Streitigkeiten (ODR) der Europäischen Kommission: 

Copyright Fotos

Albert Pesendorfer, Walter Reisinger, Rudolph Pernstich, Walter Zöggeler